9390-14-509-8661 Turnlock


NSN Part Number Manufacturer cage code Distributor
 9390-14-509-8661 163Z Turnlock D0680 Anemo Engineering

Nsn Search

Nato stock number 9390-14-509-8661 is manufactured by Turnlock, visit the manufacturer’s website.
Anemo is specialist and distributor of these parts. This part no: 9390-14-509-8661 can be obtained with a certificate of conformity issued by Nato Cage Code D0680 Factory Turnlock.

Please fill out the form to obtain a quote for Nsn Number 9390-14-509-8661 ; indicate the exact quantity  required.

We can also help you with drawings, 3D Files and technical files of the nato nsn code : 9390-14-509-8661

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